Marketing assistant, administrative aficionado, right-hand man – call him what you want, either way this office would be lost without him. But we’ve always known there’s more to Brian than being a marketing jack-of-all-trades. Read on to get to know about all about our Chaos Coordinator.
What do you like most about your job?
My favorite thing about my job is the variety that my position has to offer. Some days I assist with finances and the next day I can be strategizing LinkedIn posts or managing websites. The variety keeps my brain fresh and active while also letting me figure out what I enjoy and what I’m best at.
What is your proudest moment at Tulip Tree Studios?
The first thing that comes to mind is going live with a website that we had been working on for months. It was really satisfying to see all the work we put in be brought to fruition and see the positive reactions from that client.
What energizes you at work?
My personality is very results driven. So, deadlines and checking things off my to-do list is how I find the motivation to keep trying to stay ahead of the curve.
What was your first job?
My first job was a seasonal position for the city of Columbia Heights. My job was to throw asphalt on the road to fix potholes. As if that doesn’t sound hard core enough, I was sent to the ER after burning my hand. Talk about an experience.
Tell us one fact about you that most people don’t know.
I really love video games. I grew up playing them and they are my favorite way to take a break and escape reality for a little bit.
What is one food you cannot resist?
It might sound silly, but the one food I can’t say no to is sandwiches. Just like Joey from Friends, we both love a good Italian sub.
What would you sing at karaoke night?
Some Tom Petty. You can catch me belting out Free Fallin’ and I Won’t Back Down when I’m driving to work.
Who would you want to play you in a movie about the Life of Brian?
I would want Finn Cole to play me. He’s a really underrated actor and I feel like have a similar demeaner. Look him up!
Are you in introvert or an extrovert?
I’m an introvert. I’ve found that my FOMO levels have gone way down as I’ve gotten older. My ideal weekend is spent relaxing and being able to plan as I go. Although, if you’re in my circle of friends, you aren’t leaving.
Learn more about Brian and fun facts about the Tulip Tree team here.

Marketing Assistant, right-hand man, chaos coordinator – there’s really nothing Brian won’t tackle. He brings creativity, enthusiasm, and dependability to the team. Brian is detailed, organized, and proactive with each project for our clients. Numbers, analytics, and problem-solving are his specialties – making him a real asset to the Tulip Tree team.