Employee Spotlight: Walter Todd West

As the office attention-seeker, Walter is perpetually on the prowl for belly rubs, treats, and trouble. His uncanny ability to get himself into sticky situations is only outdone by his ability to use his powerful puppy dog eyes to get out of them. Find out more about our security’s second in command in this deep dive about Walter:

What do you like most about your job?

I love hanging out with my humans all day. My parents don’t trust me at home because I chew on things when I’m lonely, but my job is way better than that anyways. My brother Puckett also works here, so I get to hang out with him. It’s better when we are together (even though he might not think so).

What is your proudest moment at Tulip Tree Marketing?

I once found a really cool animal carcass behind the warehouse. I brought it up front to show everyone how cool it was. They must have been jealous because they took it away immediately and I haven’t seen it since.

How do you balance your career and family?

Can you repeat the question? I don’t understand… isn’t it all the same?

What’s a fun fact most people don’t know about you?

I am pretty much an open book, so what you see is what you get. People may not know I am named after a grumpy old Russian guy my dad used to work with, I don’t like to lay down in the car, and my best friend is a cat named Marvin Grey.

What’s with the three names?

Everyone else in my family has a middle name so why wouldn’t I? Todd is a family middle name that has been passed down and it’s easier to spell than Puckett’s middle name

What’s your favorite place in the world?

The lake because it’s the only place I know where I can swim for hours and still keep an eye on my humans.

What is the one food you cannot resist?

Popcorn and anything below the counter is irresistible to me… even vegetables!

Any advice for future employees?

The more you participate in meetings, the more scratchies you get (apparently humans get bored in meetings).

Learn more about Walter and fun facts about the Tulip Tree A-Team here.