Overflowing with dedication, mad marketing skills, and a head full of Stevie Nicks songs, there is no project Maggie Smither can’t crush (or pair with the perfect playlist)! From her uncanny ability to develop sublime social media strategies and digital campaigns to her killer copywriting, this Marketing Specialist never misses the mark (unless it’s her dad, Mark). Want to learn all the deets about this super social and crazy competitive South Dakotan? Ready, set, read!
What do you like most about your job?
I love seeing a plan come together and being continually challenged to grow in my abilities. But what really gets me going and motivates me to no end is meeting goals and creating a final product that the client will love. I also get to work beside a supportive team of marketing masters which is something that is super special about Tulip Tree.
What is your proudest moment at Tulip Tree?
My proudest moment would have to be planning and organizing our client appreciation. Picture ordering over 700 donuts, renting a party bus, wrangling together the TT team, and mapping out all our stops for this delightfully donut-filled day. It took a lot of preparation and pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way.
What was your first job?
My first job was coaching a team of the roughest and toughest little soccer players in the area. We taught them how to chase a ball, run to our parents for water, and spin in circles all in the name of soccer! Okay, you got me… they were more like baby guppies, and I did more wrangling than coaching, but guppie wrangling is not for the faint of heart.
What is your favorite pastime outside of work?
In my free time, you can find me fishing – specifically fly-fishing – wishing I was fishing, or planning a fishing trip that may or may never happen. All the greats know the secret is to always be prepared, so I’m often caught practicing knots, looking up streams, scrolling on my fishing app (yes it exists and yes, it’s responsible for most of my screen time), or making sure all my gear is ready at a moment’s notice. It’s equal parts exciting and frustrating.
Tell us one fact about you that most people don’t know.
I started perfecting my social media skills from a young age. During my Freshman year of high school, I tagged Razor Scooters on X (known to the OGs as Twitter) almost every day. These semi-daily posts featured a different picture of myself either wearing something absurd or doing something absurd on my scooter. I am proud to inform you that all my hard work paid off! I successfully got their attention, and they sent me a Razor Crazy Cart for free – picture a Mario Kart car meets a Ripstick. It was at this moment I realized with a great social media plan comes great responsibility (and scooters).
What is the one food you cannot resist?
Sushi! I could have a sweet potato roll anytime of the day. I’m sad? There’s a roll for that. Celebrating my birthday? Sushi, please. Date night? I think you get where this is going…
What would you name your boat if you had one?
Minnows Iches. Say it out loud. Say it slower.
What would you sing at karaoke night?
There is only one right answer to this. Gimme Gimme by ABBA. If I hear this anywhere at any time, buckle up because you’re in for the performance of your life!
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m extroverted. I love meeting new people. Just being in a room with strangers fills my battery and the opportunity to win them over fills my cup. Most people are ready to run when they are told it’s time for icebreakers, but I look forward to any chance to break the ice.
Extra Fun fact: My favorite game as a kid was called Break the Ice and you literally had to break the ice with a hammer. So, both figuratively and metaphorically, it’s my favorite.
What is your favorite vacation?
My favorite vacation is anytime I can go “West River” which is the Black Hills in South Dakota. There’s amazing fly fishing, hiking trails, and touristy attractions. I’m a souvenir girly, so lead me to the gift shop, please and thank you. The streams in the hills and Spearfish Canyon are crystal clear and have some of the best fishing spots. Plus, I have family out there so any time I can make it out there for fishing or family, I am a happy camper.
What’s your go-to coffee order and where is it from?
An iced chai latte with oat milk from Josiah’s in Sioux Falls is my absolute favorite. My safe go-to order for when I’m trying out a new coffee shop is an iced vanilla latte with oat milk. I am looking to be proven wrong that South Dakota has better coffee than the land of 10,000 lakes, so if you have suggestions for places around Rochester, send them my way!
Learn more about Maggie and fun facts about the Tulip Tree team here.